Are you tired of searching for a specific glossary online?


Try our new one-stop-shop for online glossaries in an array of domains!

Glossary Links
Glossary Links

We are glad to announce that we have added our Glossary Links to the website and made them available to a wider public. It is a glossary search tool with a database of almost 1,400 glossaries available online and is constantly growing. All the links in the glossary search tool are regularly checked and updated by TermCoord in terms of relevancy and reliability.

You can now find glossaries according to topics and by language. The glossaries cover a wide range of domains like for example legal affairs, environment, medicine, consumer protection, human rights, economy and many others. It is very easy to use: just choose a category, enter a keyword or make a search by source (i.e. providers/creators of the glossaries).

We would be grateful for any feedback concerning the search tool itself and ideas for material to add to the Glossary Links.