Técnicas de interpretación consecutiva: la toma de notas. Manual para el estudiante


tc3a9cnicas-de-interpretacic3b3n-consecutiva-la-toma-de-notas-manual-para-el-estudianteThis time in our section “Recommended reading”, we propose you “Técnicas de interpretación consecutiva: la toma de notas. Manual para el estudiante”.

“Consecutive Interpretation Techniques: Note-taking. A Practical Guide for Students”, published by Clara Bosch at Comares, Granada (2012), is targeted both at undergraduate and masters students who are just beginning consecutive interpretation and need a brief, practical introduction to the subject, and at young professionals with little experience who need to refresh or broaden their knowledge.  The guide is intended to present the basic principles of note-taking in a step-by-step format by carefully defining each stage of the process.

If you want to read more have a look in our section here.