Discover new EUR-Lex



EUR-Lex is a service which provides free access to the documentary repository of European Union law in the 24 official languages of the EU. With it you can consult the Official Journal of the European Union and treaties, legislation, case-law and legislative proposals. It also offers extensive search facilities.

To better serve the needs of different user groups, the Publications Office of the European Union has developed a new website with many new features.

Let’s discover some of its most important new features.

EUR-Lex now has a new design for easier navigation, which makes it even more interactive and more customisable.


First of all, while browsing through legal collections and directories, there are three powerful ways to search: Quick, Advanced or Expert. To use the expert search, you first have to sign in.

quick_advanced search

You can view the complete life cycle of a document throughout the legislative process and display what you want and how you want, i.e. your homepage, your result lists etc.

Moreover, it’s now possible to view documents in up to three languages simultaneously, and in different formats, and jump to related documents and information in just one click.


With the new EUR-Lex you can have your selected items, searches and RSS feeds in a personal space and reuse EU information easily and for free.

my searches

Some other new features include the ability to interact with other users via the user community and access to national law.

national law

It has never been so easy to search with EUR-Lex!

Article written by Claudia Deidda – Trainee Terminologist at TermCoord