IATE statistics for 2013


iateThe IATE statistics for 2013 are now available. The public version of IATE received 44,494,296 queries over the year and the number of queries in internal IATE totalled 14,206,137; an increase on the 2012 total of 11,178,323. Queries in public IATE came from all over the world, from France to Somalia, Argentina to South Korea. The country where the most queries originated from in 2013 was Italy. The top ten countries can be seen below:

1 Italy
2 France
3 Spain
4 Germany
5 Belgium
6 Greece
7 Portugal
8 United Kingdom
9 Netherlands
10 Switzerland

At the end of 2013 the IATE database contained 8,705,334 terms. The languages with the most terms were the EU’s most often used working languages; English in first place, followed by French and then German.

Of course, the number of entries and terms is constantly evolving due to the on-going creation, deletion and merging of entries and terms carried out by the terminologists and translators of the EU’s institutions. In fact, an average of 250-300 terms are added to IATE each day. There were 611,406 movements (changes at any level of an entry) over the past year.