The New European Parliament


2007_07_16_parlament_europejski_bruksela_42This week marks the first parliamentary session of the newly elected parliament of the European Union. The session will be held in Strasbourg, for which reason we decided that this week’s video fix will be a short but informative video on what stands out in the new parliament. You can watch the video below.

For those of you who followed the European Elections, you may already be aware of the various Eurosceptic parties’ wide electoral success. They are set to have won around 140 seats, which are derived from several member states, but most notably is perhaps the UK’s UKIP and France’s National Front.

Do you think Eurosceptic parties pose a threat to the EU, or will their critical eye contribute to reform and improvement?

Click here to watch a livestream of the session.

Click here for a short glossary on the European Parliament’s several keywords.

Compiled by Oscar Larsson
Student at University of Glasgow
Communication Trainee at TermCoord