XVI REI Study Day, a conference on European regional funds


logorei1-620x350On Monday the 27th of April the European Parliament will host the XVI REI Study Day, entitled “da Bruxelles a Pedesina. La Lunga marcia dei fondi regionali europei”. The event will be devoted to EU regional policies, with a special focus on the  “transmission chain” of the message from the European legislator to the Italian final user. The Study Day is organised by the European Commission’s DGT Italian department, in cooperation with the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament. The REI (Rete per l’eccellenza dell’italiano istituzionale), founded by the Commission and the Accademia della Crusca, is a network of representatives of EU institutions’ linguistic services, public administrations servants, scholars, members of terminology and translation bodies and associations.

What is the impact of a complex UE source text on the day-to-day work of local authorities? What are the relevant issues that can deter or improve the clarity and accessibility of laws translated in Italian? These will be the main discussion topics of the Study Day, that will gather the points of view of EU representatives who will explain the translation drawbacks of such a complex domain, and the opinions from the Italian operators who will describe their interpretation difficulties. In a nutshell: which  issues  of the Italian regional funds are triggered by linguistic problems?

For more details about the interventions, please check the XVI REI Study program.