TermCoord’s News: International conferences and a new e-book


internationalconferencesEvery week we check the calendar of International Conferences in order to provide you a list of the most relevant and interesting events focused on terminology, translation and linguistics. Our weekly proposal mainly contains European conferences, without excluding the major international conferences worldwide. This week we have selected two important seminars between the most relevant events:

Cambridge (United Kingdom), 7-9 May 2015: CamCos4 (Cambridge Comparative Syntax): ‘Rethinking Comparative Syntax’ (ReCoS)

Tartu (Estonia), 7-9 May 2015: The Why Linguistics Conference


Remember that you can visit our website to consult our general list of international conferences, which offers the latest news and updates concerning terminology, translation, interpretation, language technology, lexicography and ontology.


41D6y273DjL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_We also look through all the useful resources and tools available for professionals in these fields. This week we would like to recommend you a new book that has been added to our list of interesting E-books.

Here you can download the “Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics”, which contains lists of abbreviations and symbols, the International Phonetic Alphabet and alphabetical entries.