Urban Ecology


Urban Ecology
Since urbanization is a global phenomenon that is growing very fast in the last decades, it also implies a big challenge for the cities and their sustainability. The urban ecology is a new and interdisciplinary field of study; it contemplates the city as a total environment and provides scientific basis for creating sustainable cities taking into account the high density of population that these areas have, paved surfaces, skyscrapers, pollution, commercial buildings and other urban-related factors that create a new and unique landscape, completely different to the rest landscapes studied before in the field of Ecology that needs its own proceeds. Some environmental problems and phenomena studied by this urban ecology are global warming, acid rain and pollution among others.

urban ecology IATE

Today is the World Environment Day, the main vehicle of the the United Nations for encouraging international consciousness and action to take care of the environment and its resources.

Written by Isabel Beldad; journalist, social media expert and editor. Communication trainee at TermCoord.