2nd Terminology Network Meeting of 2015



Last Friday TermCoord and the terminologists of the language units had their second network meeting of this year. It was an occasion to have an overview of the most important achievements of 2015 and some of the plans for next year concerning IATE work, interinstitutional activities, EurTerm and the language wikis, the IATE/Studio integration, the terminologists’ awayday and terminology training.

DarijaIn addition to the information presented by TermCoord staff, language unit terminologists very actively contributed not only by comments and questions, but also by presenting some of the unit-internal terminology projects, as well as their experience regarding the use of the interinstitutional language wikis, the certified terminology management online training and the rotating terminologist loan. All this made the meeting really interactive and fruitful.

This time the network meeting hosted some special guests: terminology professors and other experts from the European Association for Terminology and national institutes who participated on the previous day in the international TOTh workshop about “Terminology and standards” hosted by DG TRAD. The meeting was concluded by the end-of-year drink, thanking the terminologists for all their work.

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Written by Viola Laci-Pongracz
Linguistic Coordinator at TermCoord

Photo Credits: Maria Bregolato
Terminology trainee at TermCoord