Video fix: The Forgotten Words Shop


The one who speaks and writes incorrectly will then think incorrectly, poorly or would not think at all.
Lazaro Carreter, former president of the Real Academia de la lengua Española.


Spanish speakers use just 2,000 words of the approximately 94,000 terms that shape the Spanish language, experts say. This number is considered ‘alarming’ for some word-lovers, threatening the quality and the accuracy of the terms still in use while deteriorating its vocabulary.

To not let this happen, ‘The Forgotten Words Shop’ (‘La Tienda de las Palabras Olvidadas’) was born, with the only purpose of reviving those words that are falling into disuse in the Spanish spoken language. Words that will be very likely forgotten any time soon, unless – they claim from the ‘shop’ – something is done about it.

As you might guess, words cannot be sold. The symbolic ‘purchase’ you can make is as simple, and cheap, as sharing. All you have to do is download one of the words they propose in their website (there are different sizes available) and promote its use in social media platforms by adding hashtags. Because, as they state in their website, “this is the only way we can give – sorry – breathe life into them again” (“solo así podemos darles – perdón – #insuflarles vida de nuevo”).


Written by Ana Escaso Moreno
Trainee at TermCoord
Journalist & Social Media manager