TermCoord Glossary Links among the most popular online resources!


tcresourcesOn the second day of the Translating Europe Forum it skyrocketed on Twitter becoming Trending Topic. Guess why? The topic was Terminology! The most tweeted and photographed presentation was the one by Iuliana van der Lek (@lek_vd / http://tradflow.com), an independent computer-assisted translation tools trainer and part-time researcher at the KU Leuven University, Faculty of Arts, Campus Antwerp and also former trainee at TermCoord.



On one slide Iulianna referred to the most used online terminology resources, according to a survey by the SCATE (smart computer-assisted translation environment) research project, where the speaker works as a Research Associate. According to this research, TermCoord glossary links appears among the most popular online resources.

Glossary links: find almost everything
Is this the first time you have heard about it? TermCoord’s glossary links is a search tool of more than 5,000 glossaries and it is constantly growing. All the links in the glossary search are regularly checked and updated by our team in terms of relevancy and reliability. We kindly invite you to discover it for yourself!

This terminology resource offers glossaries according to topics and by language. The glossaries cover a wide range of domains like legal affairs, the environment, medicine, consumer protection, human rights, economy and many others.

IATE: The InterActive Terminology for Europe
On the other hand, the inter-institutional terminology data base IATE was also mentioned as one of the most used term banks of language specialists.

Breaking recordsoctoberviews
In addition to having been recognized by this European Translation Conference, our last statistics continue to show how we are on the right path. October has broken its visit record registering more than 37,600 views on TermCoord website.
Besides the daily visits to our articles and fixed sections, statistics show the great success of our glossaries, with thousands of visits in a year.

We are very grateful to all of your showing appreciation for our efforts to provide easy-to-use terminology resources that hopefully help you in your daily activity as translators.

Have a look at our most beloved resources!
Glossary links

Written by Maria Pia Montoro and Ana Baudot – Web content manager and Communication Trainee at DG TRAD – Terminology Coordination Unit