#MondayReading: Post-editing of Machine Translation: Processes and Applications


Enjoy the beginning of this week with our new #MondayReading suggestion: Post-editing of Machine Translation: Processes and Applications. This book was published in 2014 and created by Sharon O’Brien, Laura Winther Balling, Michael Carl, Michel Simard, Lucia Specia and contributors.

Monday reading 15.05.2017

Post-editing is possibly the oldest form of human-machine cooperation for translation, having been a common practice for just about as long as operational machine translation systems have existed. Recently however, there has been a surge of interest in post-editing among the wider user community, partly due to the increasing quality of machine translation output, but also to the availability of free, high-quality software for both machine translation and post-editing. Technology and the challenges of integrating post-editing software and processes into a traditional translation workflow are at the core of research in post-editing. However, this topic involves many other important factors, such as studies on productivity gains, cognitive effort, pricing models, training and quality.

According to the editors, this volume has gathered contributions from 28 authors and is divided in 13 chapters, which are structured in three parts: (I) macrolevel processes, (II) microlevel processes and (III) guidelines and evaluation. Their aim is to contribute to the discussion of the various aspects involving post-editing processes and applications and lead to a better understanding of its technological and cognitive challenges.

We hope you will find this book’s analysis helpful for the “hot” topic of post-editing machine translation products and of its impact on translation strategies!

Enjoy your reading and have a nice Monday!

Written by  Katerina PalamiotiTranslator, Social Media and Content Manager, Communication Trainee and Foodie at the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament.