February in European Languages


February is the second month of the year and also happens to be the shortest with just 28 days. It has a number of notable days including Valentine’s day (the 14th) and a number of religious celebratory days. February is a unique month as it gets an extra day every four years in what is called a leap year.

February gets its name from the latin februum meaning purification which itself comes the Roman ritual Februa which took place on the 15th of the month in the Roman calendar.

Many European countries have a similar name for the month of February, but there are also countries where the word differs greatly.

Would you like to know how to say February in the countries around Europe?

Then check out this map and find out how to refer to February in European Languages.

February different languages

If you’d like to view this map with additional information and analysis about each country’s translation for the month of February, go to this link.


  • jakubmarian.com, ‘February in European Languages’. Available here [accessed on 02/02/18].
  • Wikipedia, ‘February’. Available here [accessed on 02/02/18].

Written by

Liam Kennedy – Schuman Trainee at the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament. Graduate of Journalism with a Language (French) at Dublin Institute of Technology. Completed a Masters in Translation Studies at University College Cork.