Seminar: TermITes and CATs

TermITes and CATs was the second seminar in the series Terminology in the changing world of translation and took place on 20 June 2011 in the Schuman Hemicycle in Luxembourg.

28092 affiche A3 TERMITES_CATS ENThe seminar gave the participants the opportunity to find out more about the latest developments and the ongoing efforts in the field of terminology management.

According to the very positive feedback received from many participants, the speakers were simply outstanding.

Licia Corbolante put together the information in a meaningful and attractive way. She listed the benefits of terminology work for internal and external communication. In particular, she also emphasized the enduring importance of the human element in ensuring a top-notch quality of terminology management for the current and future automation purposes of terminological data.

There is no question that Jaap van der Meer’s presentation was inspiring and thought-provoking. In his presentation, the director of the TAUS Data Association outlined the most stimulating trends, changes and innovations likely to occur in the translation and in the management of the linguistics industry in the next five years.

Andreas Eisele (European Commission) and Alexandros Poulis (European Parliament) provided significant examples of machine translation solutions being developed and applied across the two Institutions. The experts described the integration of terminology with the computer-assisted translation tools and other applications of machine translation technologies. Terminology management in modern CAT-Tools is a key element for translation quality.

Participants in the afternoon workshop discussed in smaller groups with the above speakers as well as with Felicity Hands and Maria Pia Montoro (European Parliament), sharing their opinions on the topics covered in the seminar. The additional topics were CAT4TRAD and improving Public IATE.

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