IATE Term of the Week: Basic Sanitation


11508672-world-toilet-dayDid you know that November 19th is World Toilet Day? Although the name may sound funny at first, the aim of the day is to highlight a very important global issue: more than 2.5 billion people do not have access to basic sanitation and illnesses that are a direct result of bad sanitation affect the quality of life of millions of people around the world, especially children. Therefore we have chosen ‘basic sanitation’ as our IATE Term of the Week. You can find out more from the World Toilet Day website here, or learn about the work done by EuropeAid in the area of water and sanitation here.


We invite you to suggest the equivalent terms in the missing EU languages, or alternatives to the existing term in your language if you consider the proposed term inaccurate. Provide your answer with a reliable reference and an accurate definition and/or context if possible.

Contribute to IATE!

A terminologist for the language in question will revise your answer and decide whether to validate them. Given the implications of the process, a delay is to be expected.