IATE Term of the Week: President of the (EU) Commission


juncker_schulz_verhofstadt_keller_bove_tsipras_candidates_commission_ep2014_2On the occasion of the European Parliament elections, the IATE Term of the Week is the President of the Commission.

Since the Lisbon Treaty (2009) entered into force, the powers of the European Parliament are more extensive than ever. The official 2014 election slogan “…it’s different” entails that the upcoming elections will mark a revolutionising change in how the President of the Commission is elected. National political parties can now supply candidates for the position, which indeed gives European citizens more influence on the politics of the European Union.

The election deadline is imminent and much seems to be at stake. The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) organised the ‘Eurovision Debate’ which was hosted by the European Parliament yesterday. Not only did the 90-minute long debate give the electorate an opportunity to consider which of the five candidates to vote for, but it was also the first, ever, political debate between all five candidates rivalling for the position of president.

The election candidates are Jean-Claude Juncker of the European Peoples’ Party, Martin Schulz of the European Socialists, Guy Verhofstadt of the Liberals and Democrats, Ska Keller of the European Greens and Alexis Tsipras of the European Left. Read more about the candidates here.

Watch the debate here.

Who do you think is the most suitable candidate?


We invite you to suggest the equivalent terms in the missing EU languages, or alternatives to the existing term in your language if you consider the proposed term inaccurate. Provide your answer with a reliable reference and an accurate definition and/or context if possible.

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A terminologist for the language in question will revise your answer and decide whether to validate them. Given the implications of the process, a delay is to be expected.


By Oscar Larsson
Student at University of Glasgow, School of Political & Social Sciences
Communication Trainee at TermCoord