Maria Teresa Zanola on Realiter



Maria Teresa Zanola is one of the Professors who took part in the conference Comunicare in Europa”, held on On Friday 7th November at the University of Salerno. Professor Zanola teaches French at the Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, is President of the Italian Association for Terminology (Ass.I.Term) and General Secretary of REALITER, the Pan-Latin network of terminology; both Ass.I.Term and REALITER have been active for 20 years now.

REALITER is a widespread network of lexicons with a special focus on Romance languages, dealing with the role of terminology in communication on a European and intercontinental level – Canadian French and South American Spanish and Portuguese -.REALITER wants to promote lexicon production and is a terminology network that brings together individuals, institutions and organizations of Neolatin languages speaking countries that operate in the field of terminology.

The main objective the network wants to achieve is the development of Romance languages with regard to the technical and scientific terminology of areas of social relevance. In order to obtain these results, the network promotes collaborative projects aimed at the creation of multilingual terminology products in support of the various linguistic realities. Its aim is also to trigger discussion on the most relevant terms which needs to be more understandable and are more used among the speakers. REALITER boasts a number of multilingual lexicons in various fields of knowledge (renewable energies, e-commerce, and nanotechnology, to name a few).

These links can also be found in the Glossary Links section of TermCoord website.