A different career for Interpreters and Translators


If you regularly check our webpage, you are probably interested in translation, terminology and linguistics. You are allegedly searching for information about the topic, or you are just curious about terminology.


We publish articles and videos about it on a daily basis. Translators and interpreters usually work in different fields: literature, technical translations, science, conferences in the sector, and we widely dedicated posts about them and provided hints for this beautiful yet challenging world.

But what about other careers? Translators and interpreters can be useful also for the police and in Courts, especially if they know important non-EU languages, Chinese and Arabic among the others. In a globalized society, police corps and law systems require a good amount of specialized professionals, dealing with sensitive matters.

At the European Parliament translators and interpreters are facing difficult tasks. Everything must be translated in a valid legal form, for each member state of the Union: a lot of work. The same applies for translators in this specific field. The Court interpreters and legal translators deserve a separate discussion: whatever the context, (interrogations, hearings, taps, translating attorneys and lawyers) the scope is still legal, and the matter must be handled with care, discretion and competence. Within the European Institutions, one possible example of such job is at the Court of Justice.

Translators, interpreters or postgraduate students can apply for a career or a scholarship there provided you have a thorough knowledge in the legal field. Although European Institutions do not have their own police forces, translators and interpreters still have this chance: why not collaborate in a crucial field with the police and in Courts? A difficult job indeed, but full of satisfactions and socially useful, to say the least.

by Matteo Poles

Social Media Specialist

Communication Trainee at TermCoord