News of TermCoord for next weeks: International Conferences


internationalconferencesEvery week we check the calendar of International Conferences in order to provide you with a list of the most relevant and interesting events focused on terminology, translation and linguistics.

Our weekly proposal mainly contains European conferences, without excluding the major international conferences worldwide.

Here is the list of International Conferences of the next weeks:

Ottawa (Canada): 2-5 June 2015: Congreso de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas 2015

Groningen (The Netherlands), 3-5 June 2015: Thinking, Doing, Learning: Usage-based Perspectives on Second Language Learning (TDL)

Chambéry (France), 4-5 June 2015: TOTh International Conference: Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications

Rotterdam (The Netherlands), 13-14 June 2015: Supporting each other, learning from each other. 2015 international conference

Remember to check our website to be updated on future International Conferences.