TermCoord presents the IATE Terminology Projects


With the arrival of the new year, the Directorate General for Translation welcomed 42 new Translation Trainees from all over the world. The trainees will spend three months in Luxembourg, developing their translation skills at the European Parliament. For the first few weeks of the traineeship, they will follow a busy schedule of presentations, training courses, and briefings: in fact, the Parliamentary work is complex and varied, and requires some time and practice before it can be carried out effectively.

Terminology Briefing for Translation Trainees


TermCoord held a briefing during the second week of the traineeship, on January 11th; the translation trainees gathered in one of the meeting rooms of the Schuman building, the site of the EP’s first hemicycle.  After a welcome speech from the Head of the Terminology Unit, Rodolfo Maslias, the session continued with the presentation of the internal and external websites managed by TermCoord. Since the trainees come from different countries, they are all welcome to contribute with posts related to linguistics, translation and terminology. In fact, one of the main strengths of termcoord.eu is its richness in multilingualism and cultural variety, to which everyone is welcome to contribute and develop in order to keep its audience updated with news, language facts and curiosities from all over the world.
Besides this contribution, trainees can find many useful terminological resources on the website, such as document databases, glossaries, seminars, and so on.

The presentation also looked at the outline of the different available terminology projects which trainees are required to complete; they consist of terminology research which could potentially lead to the addition of new terms to the European database IATE. These projects are coordinated by TermCoord’s terminology trainees, and it’s yet another example of the valuable contribution of trainees to the day-to-day activities of the European Parliament.
Finally, an introduction was given to terminology theory, during which the trainees had the chance to refresh some basic terminology concepts and principles, engaging afterwards in a productive and enriching exchange of ideas.

This session highlighted the valuable and professional input trainees receive while working as part of DGTRAD. If you are thinking of applying for a traineeship at the European Parliament or at TermCoord, you might find the information contained at this link useful. Have a look, and become our next trainee!






Written by Carolina Quaranta – Schuman Trainee at the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament. Completed a Master in Public and Political Communication in the University of Torino, Italy; communication specialist and journalist.