The latest theses and papers added to TermCoord



In the last week, we have added a number of theses and papers onto the TermCoord website, covering different domains in a variety of a languages. The recently published works are the following:

Georgia Ntai:

Discourse and Power in Art Museum Education: Exploring Linguistic Practices, Meaning-making and Power relations in three Art Museums based in Luxembourg

University of Luxembourg, 2017

Subject: The intent of the study is to explore the inclusion or exclusion of different audiences, different not only in terms of sociolinguistic aspects, but also, in terms of their level of initiation to the artistic discourse, via the two main axes: first, the language choice and use and second, the meaning- making processes in the art museum education field.

Language: English

Nationality of the author: Greek


Althay, Ramallo Fuentes

¿Lengua franca o multilingüismo? Nuevo enfoque y estrategias para promover la diversidad lingüística en Europa

Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2017

Subject: The purpose of this thesis is to study the phenomenon of multilingualism in Europe with examples and current data, analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the current multilingual policy and study a series of European initiatives aimed at raising awareness and promote learning of less widely spoken languages and languages from neighbouring countries, which may have cognitive, professional, and personal benefits for the speaker.

Language: Spanish

Nationality of the author: Spanish

Goran, Ristovski

Лажните парови како причина за интерференција при конференциското толкување од италијански на македонски јазик и обратно

University of Skopje, 2015

Subject: There are false friends or same words with different meanings between languages from different groups as Italian and Macedonian? Well, yes. In this thesis entitled “The false friends as reason for interference in conference interpreting from Italian into Macedonian language and vice versa” are analysed 40 of them with wrong and proper usage through quoted  real examples and with a list of meanings from the Italian monolingual dictionary Zingarelli in context of the simultaneous and consecutive interpretation with the theoretical part, but of course, they can make problems also in translation. In the end, there is a useful mini dictionary with all the terms. The thesis is centred in between the scientific fields of conference interpreting, contrastive analysis, semantics and linguistics terminology.

Language: Macedonian and Italian

Nationality of the author: Macedonian


Yasmin, Vlase-West

Die Vagheit des Risikobegriffes in der Richtlinie 2004/33/EG anhand des EuGH-Urteils vom 29.April 2015 in der Rechtssache C-528/13

Universität zu Köln, 2017

Subject: This Bachelor thesis deals with the phenomenon of vagueness from a linguistic perspective and compares it then to the phenomenon of so-called legal indeterminacy. Based on the theoretical aspects from both disciplines the thesis represents a legal linguistic analysis of the vagueness of the term “risk” and its intensification by the vague adjective “high” used in the directive 2004/33/EC as regards certain technical requirements for blood and blood components.

Language: German

Nationality of the author: German