I·ATE Food Term of the Week: Deep-Fried Mars


A deep-fried Mars bar is an ordinary Mars bar but usually fried in a type of batter commonly used for deep-frying fish, sausages, and other battered products.

The dish originated at chip shops in Scotland as a novelty item, but was never mainstream. Since various mass media began reporting on the practice in the mid 1990s, as part as the urban Scotland’s notoriously unhealthy diet, the popularity of the dish has spread.

The creation of the dish is attributed to John Davie who invented the sweet treat in 1992 in the Haven Chip Bar (now the Carron) in Stonehaven, near Aberdeen on Scotland’s northeast coast.

The term “deep frying” and many modern deep-fried foods were not invented until the 19th century, but the practice has been around for millennia. Early records and cookbooks suggest that the practice began in certain European countries before other countries adopted the practice.

Deep frying is popular worldwide, with deep-fried foods accounting for a large portion of global caloric consumption. Many foods are deep-fried and cultures surrounding deep frying have developed, most notably in the Southern United States and the United Kingdom, where many events and records are held relating to deep frying food and non-edible items.

For example, fish and chips is a very popular deep-fried dish in the UK since it originated in London in the 19th century and became popular among the working class. Its popularity continues with 229 million portions of fish and chips being sold annually only in England.

There is an annual trade fair devoted to deep-fried foods called the International Symposium on Deep-Fat Frying which features discussions on deep fat frying as well as exhibitions by companies involved with the process.

You can check out how to make the Deep Fried Mars at home version of the recipe here: https://www.bestrecipes.com.au/recipes/deep-fried-mars-bars-recipe/p6t2zvvt


The History of Fried Food.

https://theex.com/main/food/milestones-in-deep-fried-history/the-history-of-fried-food. Accessed August 18, 2019.

https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(04)17589-2/fulltext. Accessed August 18, 2019.

Crooks L. The man who created the deep-fried Mars bar has made a shock confession. Mirror. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/deep-fried-mars-bar-creators-6140625. Published July 26, 2015. Accessed August 18, 2019.

Discovery Press Web United States. Deep Fried Masters : Programs : Destination America : Discovery Press Web. https://web.archive.org/web/20150614035311/

http://press.discovery.com/us/da/programs/deep-fried-masters/. Accessed August 18, 2019.

kylene88. Deep-Fried Mars Bars. www.bestrecipes.com.au. https://www.bestrecipes.com.au/recipes/deep-fried-mars-bars-recipe/p6t2zvvt. Published June 5, 2014. Accessed August 18, 2019.

Report on Developments in Deep-Fat Frying for Health and Quality. SCI Website. https://www.soci.org/news/lipids/frying-2014-review. Accessed August 18, 2019.

UK | Scotland | Deep-fried Mars myth is dispelled. BBC News. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/4103415.stm. Published December 17, 2004. Accessed August 18, 2019.

Written by Maria Blanca Escudero Fontan, trainee in the Direction of the Directorate B and in TermCoord. Holds a Degree in Translation and Interpretation ( Universidade de Vigo) and a MA in International Studies (USC).