Video-Fix: Professional Interpretation Deep Dive

Video-Fix Professional interpretation deep dive feature

Video-Fix Professional interpretation deep diveConference interpreter Barry Slaughter Olsen explains in this week’s Video-Fix what professional interpreters goes through. Barry is also a professor of Translation & Interpretation at Middlebury Institute of International Studies.

In the simulated situation in the video below, Barry demonstrates the scenarios of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation while also breaking down chuchotage and décalage. Check it out and discover different ways of interpretation and translation!

Mads RiseWritten by Mads Rise

Communication Trainee at the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament in Luxembourg. Holds a BA in English and IT-based Marketing and Communication from the University of Southern Denmark. Mads finished his BA with a thesis on Search Engine Optimisation and E-commerce. He has hands-on experience in web communication, SEO, administration and logistics.