Terminology without Borders – Our University Partners

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Our Terminology without Borders project is constantly growing! With the introduction of two new sub-projects on Environment (YourTerm ENVI) and Food (YourTerm FOOD) last spring, our website now counts seven sub-projects, including Culture (YourTerm CULT), Education (YourTerm EDU), Women’s Rights (YourTerm FEM), Maritime & Fisheries (YourTerm MARE), and Medicine (YourTerm MED).

Each area has several sub-projects, and the number of partners contributing to the creation of multilingual glossaries and term tables (with detailed information on relevant terms within each field) is still rising. We are proud to establish new contacts with both individual translators/terminologists and international universities and organisations all the time!

Joining Terminology without Borders is a perfect opportunity for university students to gain hands-on experience with the terminology work, as well as a chance for university groups to network and build external connections (through our Confluence platform, accessible via this link). Currently, our projects host many University partners. You can see them all above!