IATE History Now Available

IATE History

As you all know we have been enjoying the new version of our main terminology database IATE 2 and its many fancy and state-of-the-art features for some time now. Nevertheless, IATE 2 is an ongoing project as new improvements and features are still being released and many planned for the future.

However, a big portion of data had been missing until recently, namely the information on the creations, modifications and deletion of entries done in IATE 1 before the data migration to IATE 2, or in other words the history of IATE 1 entries.

The migration of this data was a complex task, with 78 million transactions needed, so it has taken some time to be fully ready. Finally, we are happy to announce that IATE 1 history is now available for consultation.

The last entry that still made it to IATE 1 was the entry with the ID 3580046 “operational performance“, while the honour of being assigned ID 1 was awarded to the now already deleted concept of “absence” which was covered in 11 languages.

"Absence" in IATE 1