Infractions Criminelles | A French-English Glossary


Translations for the courts, lawyer summons, indictments, arrest warrants, European search warrants… The list of translations requiring knowledge of criminal law terminology is endless. Given the complicated and vital task for the translator to use precise terminology in translations for criminal law it is essential to have a ready-to-use and updated lexicon in order to offer accurate criminal law translations in Europe and in the member States.

If we consider the example of a European search warrant or even Interpol, it is essential for the wording and terminology to specify the offense accurately and unambiguously. There are many terms which are “false friends” in the French and English language and notably in criminal law related translations.

A quality translation will ultimately enable a member state to ensure public protection and reduce crime by enabling the examining magistrates to rely on quality translations with the appropriate terminology.

Click here to access the glossary, and explore other useful glossaries on TermCoord’s Glossary Links pages.

Lexicon source and research unit: Juricourriel, Saint Boniface University, Canada.

Written by Jane Kochanski. Translator for the Paris Court of Appeal since 2017 and a legal translator since the year 2000, I have significant experience in both international law firms, companies and as a self-employed translator. I am fully bilingual French-English, with dual nationality. When I am not translating or proofreading legal documents, my other interests include piano, running, tennis. I also have an avid interest in animals.