Video-Fix: Mythical Language and Idiom


Hello, terminology lovers! It is time for the last educational video-fix before Christmas. We know that the holidays are right around the corner, but TermCoord never stops learning! This time, we are exploring the fascinating language of myths. Will you join us? You should know that today’s short film is a part of a comprehensive series of mythology lectures by Crash Course. Discovering the whole cycle sounds like the perfect plan for this year’s winter break!

You may be asking yourself why it is important to teach mythology today. There are many answers to this question, and one of them will be evident to you once you watch this week’s video-fix. The title Mythical Language and Idiom rather gives it away, right? The relationship between mythology, our languages and cultures is a broad and captivating subject. Folktales and legends are a crucial part of our heritage – they often convey timeless wisdom.

Written by Magdalena Sikorska.