IATE Term of the Week: MEP

IATE Term of the Week: MEP

Do you know what “MEP” stands for?

Here you have some hints…This abbreviation is used in all contexts of the European Parliament (EP) and can be found in all of its documents, “MEPs” stands for a group of people who work on a daily basis for their constituents in their home country, participate in national committees and in debates in their national political groups as well as in debates and votes in EP plenary sessions and in meetings of their committees and political groups inside the EP,. They are the visible face of the European Parliament, and they are the ones proposing all the resolutions to be debated in EP plenary sessions. 

Have you guessed it? Yes! This week we are talking about Members of the European Parliament! In IATE, this term is translated in all 24 languages of the EU, as it is used by translators and interpreters in all possible contexts.

But, what in what consists a MEP’s actual work? They are elected officials who represent both the interests of their respective European cities or regions and those of the European Union’s population. They deal with local and global issues that affect people, organizations, and corporations. They can seek information from committees and ministerial councils. As part of the European legislative body, they have a significant impact on contemporary issues like immigration, climate change, global human rights, and the regulation of the financial sector.


European Parliament. (2023). Retrieved from https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/faq/10/the-work-of-meps

IATE. (2023). Retrieved from https://iate.europa.eu/search/result/1678959402448/1

Written by Carmen del Campo Hermida

Born in Madrid, Spain, Carmen holds a Double Degree in Translation and Interpreting and Bachelor in Global Communication. She has also studied a Degree on Content Marketing and Social Media. She has been combining her studies with some part-time jobs, which has allowed her to appreciate little things in life, such as spending time  with her family and friends and enjoying her hobbies. She is keen on learning from other people and cultures and wishes to get to travel around the world someday.