Ex-Termcoord Trainee strikes back!



monica-gutierrezIn the run-up to the publication of our new external website, TermCoord offers former trainees and collaborators the opportunity to publish articles on their current activities or their theses related to terminology.


Mónica Gutiérrez de la Hoz, who did her traineeship with TermCoord between October 2011 and March 2012 sent us her contribution. Apart from gaining practical experience working with IATE and terminology research, she was also able to use what she learnt as the Coordinator of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) terminology project in her final year bachelor’s degree thesis. Check it out here.


For more theses available on Terminology or to see other theses written by ex-TermCoord trainees please see here.


Article written by Jiayi Huang, trainee at TermCoord