XI Realiter Scientific Day – Terminology and multilingualism: objectives, methodologies and practices


Il multilinguismo rappresenta il fulcro della Rete panlatina di terminologia Realiter, creata nel 1993, per contribuire, tramite i suoi lavori, allo sviluppo armonioso delle terminologie nelle lingue neolatine. Realiter è la Rete panlatina di terminologia che riunisce individui, istituzioni e organismi dei Paesi di lingua neolatina che lavorano nel settore della terminologia. Costituisce sia un polo di ricerca nella terminologia multilingue sia un attore attivo nelle politiche linguistiche che incoraggiano la diversità linguistica alla luce della globalizzazione e dell’intensificarsi degli scambi su scala mondiale..

L’XI Giornata Scientifica Realiter intende analizzare l’attuale stato del multilinguismo nella teoria e nella pratica terminologica, senza tralasciare lo ‘status quaestionis‘ di tale tematica.

Molteplici argomenti di riflessione ruotano intorno alle seguenti tematiche: il posto della terminologia nelle politiche linguistiche e nella promozione della diversità linguistica; le esigenze del multilinguismo rispetto ai metodi e alle pratiche terminologiche; la gestione, la diffusione e l’introduzione di risorse terminologiche multilingue.


The Pan-Latin Terminology Network, Realiter, which in 2013 celebrated 20 years of activity, is a cooperative organization between countries and the neo-Latin language communities, bringing together people and institutions operating in the field of terminology, terminography and terminological harmonization. Founded in 1993 under the initiative of the Latin Union and the General Delegation for the French Language and the Languages of France, it brings together researchers, professors, research centers, public institutions, universities and associations aiming to contribute to the harmonious development of terminologies in Latin languages.

Realiter constitutes itself as both a research center in multilingual terminology and as an active player in language policies promoting linguistic diversity in the light of globalization and increased global trade. The terminology and neology management activities carried out within the Network aim to monitor terminology implantation, check terminology in magazines and newspapers, establish national terminology networks, participate in technical standardization and training translators and terminologists.

The Network aims to track the spread of specialized terminology in Latin languages. The mapping of terms, phrasemes and other linguistic units, in the same language and among different languages, takes into account the phenomenon of variation (synonymy, language levels, geographical variations, etc.) in the following languages: Catalan, Spanish, French, Galician, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian. The active countries in the Network are Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Quebec, Romania and Uruguay.

Realiter‘s multilingual lexicons group the terms related to different fields, thanks to the contribution of institutions and university research centers that are members of the Network, such as: the Quebec Office of the French Language, Translation Bureau of the Canadian government, Catalunya Terminologia Centre (TERMCAT), the SERVIZO Normalización of Linguistics of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Associazione Italiana per la Terminologia (Ass.I.Term) IULATERM the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, the Osservatorio di e Terminology Politiche linguistiche of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.

To reflect on the state of work within the Network, an annual Realiter Scientific Day, followed by the General Assembly of the members, is organized in the active countries. The XI Realiter Scientific Day will take place on 26 and 27 June 2015 at the Royal Academy of Belgium in Brussels. Its aim is to examine the current state of multilingualism in the theory and practice of terminology, without forgetting its state of the art. Indeed, multilingualism is at the heart of the Realiter Network.

Conferences, presentations and posters for the eleventh Realiter Scientific Day will explore the following topics:

  1. Multilingualism and terminology neologisms, standardization, lexical creation and borrowing; translation and interpretation; lexicography.
  2. Multilingualism and language policies.
  3. Multilingualism and management, dissemination and implementation of multilingual terminology resources (software, databases, Open Access, etc.).

The call for papers for the Day is downloadable on the Realiter Network website  and here at termcoord.eu.

For further information we invite you to visit the Network’s website and discover the lexicons available online.


Maria Teresa Zanola

Segretaria Generale di REALITER
Professore Ordinario di Linguistica francese
Direttore dell’Osservatorio di terminologie e politiche linguistiche (OTPL)