Top 10 articles of the year!


For out 2016 we have been sharing a lot of interesting terminology articles. To celebrate a successful year here you can find some of the most popular posts of our site during 2016. Thank you all for your visits and feedback! We wish you a New Year full of translation/interpretation/correction and professional and personal success!


1- Why is Terminology your Passion?

The star of  2016 has been undoubtedly this section, which includes inspiring interviews with prominent language specialist from all over the world. Would you like to learn from the best? Stay tuned to this section.

What does a “close friend” mean for you?

If you check some definitions of the term “close friend” it can be defined as somebody who you can talk about anything with, someone who makes you feel comfortable without fear of judgement. A “close friend” can also be someone who is always there for you and cares about your well-being. But do these two nice words mean the same for everybody, in every country, language or culture?

Video Fix: Language features we don’t have in English

We might be tempted to think that the main differences between languages concerns only vocabulary and maybe some grammatical areas but not much more. Especially those who are not experts in the field of linguistics, who may not be familiar with the idea that language conveys a wide range of different meanings and can shape our perception of reality.

Going Dutch” or “having a French shower”: idioms using other nationalities and countries

We all know that all “roads lead to Rome”, which “was not built in one day”, but what about “smoking like a Turk” or “speaking Chinese”? Idioms. We all use them, but where do they come from?

Wkwkwk and other bizarre ways to laugh in texts

Do you hahaha, wkwkwk or jejeje when you laugh in text? Our readers really enjoyed this post about the different ways to express happiness in different languages.  Check it out- it is really funny 😉

5 curiosities of Harry Potter in Translation

The Harry Potter book series written by British author J. K. Rowling is well known by everybody. People even collect different translations of the saga, but do you know how many different translations we can find? We have found five interesting facts about Harry Potter in translation across the world.

7- Cognitive strategies for the resolution of translation problems

In TermCoord we love sharing new theses and papers focused on Terminology. One of the latest and most popular in 2016 was Olga Jeczmyk’s research on the study of cognitive strategies for the resolution of translation problems, as well as to draw the perspectives of the investigation. Highly recommended.
(The content of these theses and papers is the intellectual property of the authors and falls under their responsibility).

8- 20+ recommended readings on language, translation and interpretation you should not miss in 2016

Thirsty for knowledge?
Since it isn’t always possible to have a complete list of all useful reading about every topic, we have reposted a worthwhile list of recommended readings about language, translation and interpretation. Have a look!

9- Lost in translation: five untranslatable words

Some expressions and terms are used to express a very specific concept or meaning linked to culture, traditions and lifestyle of the words’ country of origin and therefore is a struggle to translate into English. Here we shared some of the best lexical gaps we have found worldwide!

10- The periodic table of the Spanish spelling

Our readers love the periodic table created by the Spanish linguist Juan Romeu. This is a really useful spelling periodic table which keeps the original chemical nomenclatures but with a short description of Spanish spelling standards related to the corresponding one or two letters. Haven’t you seen it yet?

If you enjoyed our articles last year, stay tuned for yet another year of tips and tricks!

Written by Ana Baudot – Journalist and Social media manager.
Communication Trainee, DG TRAD – Terminology Coordination Unit