IATE Term of the week: Professionalisation


IATE term of the week: Professionalisation

Held in Brussels this Thursday 27th and Friday 28th October by the European Commission, the Translating Europe Forum 2016 has inspired our IATE Term of the Week. The main topics discussed on this forum were mainly about employability, skills, quality, visibility, tools and technologies, cooperation, and of course, professionalisation. Professionalisation

DG Translation has the goal of designing Forums & Workshops in order to address skills gaps in the language industry and make translation students and graduates more readily employable, and this is basically what our term is about.

But what is it exactly meaning? According to the Collins Dictionary definition, professionalisation is the  act or process of imposing a professional structure or status on an activity; and concurrently, the Oxford Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care qualifies that the professionalisation of an occupation may allow the occupational group in question to exercise more power, enhance its status, and increase its remuneration.

Find more information, details and the results provided by the IATE data base.




Regarding its etymology, professionalisation is a term formed by the root professio (nominative) in Latin, meaning “public declaration”, plus the suffix -ation, which indicates the action or process of doing something.


[su_note note_color=”#dcea0f”][su_button url=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bqL2nT1Y7UA4aGnRLXZsPCNamBalQa0TBDxo2DKJ2r4/edit#” style=”flat”]Contribute to IATE![/su_button] Update the term in your language. A terminologist for the respective language will revise your answer and decide whether to validate them. Given the implications of the process, a delay is to be expected.




Written by Ana Jiménez Morente
Content Editor.
Communication Trainee, DG TRAD – Terminology Coordination Unit



