Regional English dialects


By Marcin Skurzak

What strikes me time and again pondering over the might of English is that apart from the core Anglophone territories, where it is spoken as the principal language (and there could be nothing less dumbfounding about that), there are roughly 70 other states or semi-independent countries (with some of them as outlandish as Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean or as atomic as Tuvalu in the Polynesia), where although not the most used, it is still the official vernacular.


Take a peek at the map below. It marks those world regions where English is the formal language of the country (or one of the formal languages).

But this is not everything. A very salient detail here is also that each such pocket-sized region where English is used for communication has its own distinctive dialect, and some of them tend to feature absurdly eccentric, if not totally abnormal pronunciation and grammar standards. Did you reckon Australian avo or brekkie to be not particularly catchy? Well then, hold in your breath as I am about to bite through some of the most unusual English quirks from around the globe.

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marcin-skurzakMarcin Skurzak
A lawyer by education and degree. Mind development enthusiast by interests. Project leader. Optimist. Businessperson and visionary. Motivation speaker and lecturer. His law degree is from London, where he spent five fruitful years. Then he moved to the continental EU to undertake various legal and language placements at international institutions, including the Terminology Coordination Unit at the European Parliament in Luxembourg and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. But it wasn’t until he came back to Warsaw in 2013 that he realised teaching is the thing. Ever since he has been a lecturer at one of the language schools in Warsaw, teaching legal and business English at companies. In 2015, Marcin set up his very own language start-up where he tailor-design each course to the individual needs of his clients.