

12049629_983484661693696_8887886364810027570_nThe Historical Library of the European Parliament in Luxembourg has organised a week on “Terminology” from the 21st to the 26th September 2015. During this week, the whole terminology collection was made available to the visitors and the catalogue was updated with the new books and glossaries.

The oldest terminology book at the library dates from 1958, but the translators and terminologists, can also consult multilingual dictionaries and glossaries. The newest books on Terminology are added every year to the collection in cooperation with the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament.

A lot of events took place last week at the library, that was inaugurated by the Director General of Translation. At the event translators and terminologists, but also students of the University of Luxembourg, attending the Terminology courses, could consult the terminology catalogue and could browse through the titles.


The next day, there was an information session called “Terminology Collection” offered by the Terminology Coordination Unit together with the Historical Library, in English and in French. TermCoord guided the people interested in terminology through its website, www.termcoord.eu, focusing on e-books, articles, academic theses and interviews with prominent terminologists. The Historical Library presented its terminology collection and how to search for information.

But the events did not end there. Until October 1st a small exhibition on the evolution of the terminology management in the European Parliament with old glossaries and the newest terminology books  can be visited in the European Parliament’s Library in the Schuman building in Luxembourg.

librarie 2Terminology books can be borrowed in Luxembourg, but also sent to the visitors of the library in Bruxelles and can be consulted in the library’s reading rooms by the general public. The catalogue with all the terminology books can be found here.


The terminology collection, which can be found at the Luxembourg Library, is build up in cooperation between the Historical Library together with the Terminology Coordination Unit of the Directorate-General for Translation at the European Parliament.

The Terminology Collection can be accessed also  following this link.

Written by Raluca Caranfil
Communication Trainee at TermCoord
Journalist & Student at the University of Luxembourg