The VIII EAFT Summit…in tweets!



The VIII European Terminology Summit has been an important success thanks to all terminologists, speakers, specialists and participants who took part of it. Even if you have missed the Summit we are sure that you have had already the chance to read and re-read some of the hot topics discussed and presented there. You have also checked the interviews made by Termcoord and seen dozens of pictures. But do you know what was happening on Twitter during the Summit?

There are tones of tweets and information! We have invited everyone to tweet by using the hashtag #EAFTSummit2016 and it yield! A lot of people wanted to share what was happening at the Parliament’s Hemicycle -before, during and after the Summit-. Óscar Curros, a journalist and translator, has prepared a Storyfy which sums up the event in tweets. Just have a look and enjoy!

Written by Ana Baudot – Journalist and Social media manager.
Communication Trainee at DG TRAD. Terminology Coordination Unit