TermCoord visits the Terminology Laboratory of the Bologna University


UniForli4TermCoord has a high level of cooperation with universities dealing with terminology; it participates in conferences where the results of academic terminology research are presented, it offers courses on topics such as terminology management and cooperation and communication in the EP and the EU Institutions and it develops terminology projects which contribute to IATE collections.
The next big seminar in the European Parliament, to be held in June 2014, will focus on the scope and methodology of this cooperation and the benefits for our translators. One of the speakers for this seminar, entitled “Terminology in Academia”, will be Franco Bertaccini, head of the Laboratory on Terminology of the University of Bologna in Forli. Students at this department train as translators and interpreters and undertake important research projects including advanced aspects of the science of terminology; from term coining and terminography to taxonomy and ontology.
Rodolfo Maslias was invited to give courses and to present TermCoord, IATE and terminology synergies in the EU Institutions to students in Forli, and he took the opportunity to initiate close cooperation with this renowned institution which is very active in the academic terminology world. The cooperation will involve the exchange of important terminology practices and resources (like EOHS Term which employs the taxonomy approach), the development of a IATE project with the participation of a large number of students, a study visit to TermCoord and the European Parliament for participating students and teachers and a permanent communication and knowledge exchange, with a view to continually improving terminology management methods for IATE.

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