EU agency glossaries added to TermCoord’s linguistic resources!



TermCoord is dedicated to providing translators and terminologists with high quality, trustworthy glossaries in different domains. The glossary links section is one of the most visited sections of our website. Finding the glossary you are looking for is simple: you can search for the titles or part of a title in the ‘Keyword’ input field, or search for glossaries for specific domains. You can search by the names of glossary providers/creators in the ‘Source’ input field.

We have some great news for you: we recently added over 20 EU agency glossaries to our linguistic resources, covering areas such as medicine, education, information security, food safety and monetary policy.

Here are some noteworthy examples:

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA): ECHA-term

European Medicines Agency (EMA): Glossary on regulatory terms used on the European Medicines Agency website and documents

Glossary of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

European Training Foundation (ETF): Glossary of Vocational Education, Training (Vet) and Labour Market Terms

Glossary of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)

European Central Bank: ECB glossary (Statistics, Monetary policy, Payment & Markets)

The entire list of glossaries, previously or recently updated, can be found on our website:

Katerina Karavasili, Translator

TermCoord Communication Team