Termcoord European Election Countdown: Court of Justice


The European Court of Justice (CJEU) is the supreme court of the EU regarding jurisdictional matters related to the EU. It also cooperates with the courts and tribunals of the Member States in order to ensure the uniform application and interpretation of the EU law.

The main aim of the CJEU is to ensure that the law in the EU is applied in the same way in all the EU countries and that they comply with the obligations stated in the Treaties. In certain circumstances, the CJEU is also used by individuals, companies, or other organisations to investigate into a EU institution’s action.

This institution was stablished in Luxembourg in 1952 and it is composed by one judge from each state member (currently 28). It is usually divided in panels of 3, 5 or 15 judges depending on the difficulty of the case.

In the video below you can get a better idea of how the CJEU works and how it is composed:

The CJEU is part of the seven main institutions of the EU. Click here to learn more about them. For more information on the CJEU, click here.


iate. https://iate.europa.eu/entry/result/2208377/en. Accessed May 20, 2019.

Anonymous. Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). European Union. https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/institutions-bodies/court-justice_en. Published February 21, 2019. Accessed May 20, 2019.

Court of Justice of the European Union. European Law Institute. https://www.europeanlawinstitute.eu/membership/institutional-observers/court-of-justice-of-the-european-union/. Accessed May 20, 2019.

Court of Justice of the European Union. How the Court works – the basics. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIjyIj7RH1Q. Published March 30, 2017. Accessed May 20, 2019.

European Court of Justice. LCTO. https://www.luxembourg-city.com/en/place/kirchberg/european-court-of-justice-luxembourg. Accessed May 20, 2019.

Search form. CURIA. http://curia.europa.eu/juris/recherche.jsf?language=en. Accessed May 20, 2019.

Termcoord European Election Countdown: EU Institutions -. Terminology Coordination Unit. http://termcoord.eu/2019/05/termcoord-european-election-countdown-eu-institutions/. Published May 17, 2019. Accessed May 20, 2019.

The Court of Justice of the European Union | Fact Sheets on the European Union | European Parliament. The Court of Justice of the European Union | Fact Sheets on the European Union | European Parliament. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/factsheets/en/sheet/26/the-court-of-justice-of-the-european-union. Accessed May 20, 2019.

Written by Maria Blanca Escudero Fontan, trainee in the Direction of the Directorate B. Graduated with a BA in Translation and Interpretation (uVigo) and a Masters in International Studies (USC, Galicia).