IATE Term of the Week: President of the European Parliament


Each one of the three main European institutions has a President. You know from one of our previous articles that the role of the President of the European Parliament is to ensure that all activities run smoothly and that procedures are strictly followed. The President is also officially representing the Parliament in all legal matters including international relations.

IATE Search of President of the European parliament. 2022.

How is the President of the European Parliament elected?

Today each political group or group of MEPs (1/20th of all MEPs or at least 36) can propose a candidate for this post. Each President is elected for a term of two and a half years by an absolute majority of the valid votes cast by secret vote or “50% plus one”. Voting rounds are run until there is only one candidate left with the majority of votes. Along with the election of a new President of the European Parliament, there are also a number of other offices that are included in the election – fourteen Vice-Presidents, five Quaestors, Committee and Delegation Chairs and Vice-Chairs.

Extraordinary appointment of a President of the European Parliament

Under certain circumstances if a President of the European Parliament cannot finish his or her term, then the First Vice-President takes over the position until the next parliamentary elections. Following that change, new fourteen vice-presidents are to be elected along with five new Questors.

Who is the President of the European Parliament now?

The European Parliament’s President David Sassoli passed away on 11 January 2022. He had half of his term left, therefore the First Vice-president of the European Parliament had to take over. Roberta Metsola took office thus being the youngest ever President of the European Parliament and the third woman to run the office. In her address she spoke about the need to reinforce the European project and involve more and more young people in order to do that.

You can follow the President’s public agenda here https://the-president.europarl.europa.eu/en.


President Sassoli to be honoured in Plenary | News | European Parliament. 2022. President Sassoli to be honoured in Plenary | News | European Parliament. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20220111IPR20708/president-sassoli-to-be-honoured-in-plenary. [Accessed 28 January 2022].

Election of the new President of the European Parliament | 17-01-2022 | News | European Parliament. 2022. Election of the new President of the European Parliament | 17-01-2022 | News | European Parliament. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/agenda/briefing/2022-01-17/1/election-of-the-new-president-of-the-european-parliament. [Accessed 28 January 2022].

Who are the MEPs in key functions and how are they elected? | News | European Parliament. 2022. Who are the MEPs in key functions and how are they elected? | News | European Parliament. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/faq/4/who-are-the-meps-in-key-functions-and-how-are-they-elected. [Accessed 28 January 2022].

Roberta Metsola: Europe is about standing up for one another | News | European Parliament. 2022. Roberta Metsola: Europe is about standing up for one another | News | European Parliament. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/eu-affairs/20220113STO20905/roberta-metsola-europe-is-about-standing-up-for-one-another. [Accessed 28 January 2022].

Written by Daniela Ignatova

She holds degrees in both Public Relations and European Governance. Currently, Daniela is combining her passion for communications and social media with her interest in the work of European institutions.