
Energy is essential for societies and for the European Union and drives sustainability and resilience. Exploring European energy terminology like “Renewable Energy Directive” and “Energy Union” reveals the EU’s commitment to clean sources and energy integration. As the EU advances toward carbon neutrality and addresses energy security, understanding energy terms is crucial for discussions on initiatives like the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package. In a world focused on climate action, a grasp of energy terminology is essential to comprehend the EU’s endeavours in shaping a greener energy landscape.

In the official EuroVoc classification, EU legislation in the field of ENERGY is divided into 5 main domains with 13 sub-domains:

energy policy

  • energy policy
  • energy industry

coal and mining industries

  • mining industry
  • mining product
  • coal industry

oil industry

  • hydrocarbon
  • oil industry
  • petrochemicals

electrical and nuclear industries

  • nuclear industry
  • electrical industry
  • nuclear power station
  • nuclear energy

soft energy

  • soft energy