
Terminology without Borders’ partners work on official IATE terminology projects by adding missing languages to existing high-quality entries. This means more specifically:

  • No term extraction from corpora is needed by the universities, since TermCoord provides lists of terms with corresponding data fields in English as the source language (IATE ID, domain and term in the source language).
  • University students can check for more information on the source language term in IATE by using the IATE ID.
  • For the compilation of terminological records, participants find the equivalent terms in their language(s) and complete the data fields of the terminological records. They follow the IATE Guidelines (IATE Handbook) and the specific rules of their target language(s) (IATE language-specific annexes).
  • Revision of terminological records is to be carried out by supervising professors and, if needed, by experts in the field. Final revision and validation of the terminological records is to be undertaken by terminologists of the European Parliament.
  • Terminological records validated by terminologists of the European Parliament are to be inserted into IATE.
  • Certificates of completion are issued to students, experts and supervising professors.