European Terminology Summit 2016




EAFT, the European Association for Terminology, in collaboration with TermCoord, is organizing the Eighth European Terminology Summit in Luxembourg on 14–15 November 2016. Registration is open until the end of October.

2016 is the year of both the 20th anniversary of the EAFT as well as a Summit year. The main theme of the event, Visions and revisions, allows us to look back on the 20 years of the EAFT’s tireless work on terminology – as well as to look forward, talking about the future of terminology and its goals still to be reached.

Given that the Summit is also an anniversary and celebration, but also evaluation of twenty years’ worth of terminology, its structure will reflect its multifaceted character. Therefore, the Summit will be composed around 8 sections which summarize the themes of the earlier Summits (Cooperation & Collaboration, Social Media, Quality Matters, Responsibility, Interaction and Diversity, Terminology Profile, State Of The Art/Domain Loss, Declaration).

Each section, as per the main theme, will contain at least a revision (evaluation of the past achievements as well as pitfalls) and a vision (an idea, a hope, a plan, a goal) related to the theme of the section. Certain areas, such as terminology training, terminology research, terminology standardization, terminology management, or terminology tools, shall not be given a separate section, but rather – given their horizontal character – shall be present in several sections.

The registration deadline is 31st of October 2016. The registration can be completed by filling in a FORM. When you have filled it correctly, you will be asked to send the proof of payment (see below) to Once the submitted data have been verified, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.

For the information on registration fees, payment details, hotels in Luxembourg, and social events accompanying the Summit, visit the EAFT 2016 Summit page on our website. You can also read about the last EAFT Summit in Barcelona.

Join us on the Facebook event to receive updates and the Summit’s programme as soon as it has been released.