Terminology Summer School


Last week TermCoord participated in the annual International Terminology Summer School organised by the International Network for Terminology (TermNet).

The focus this year was on the Terminology Management for Translation. During five days, from 30 June till 4 July 2021, terminology practitioners, professional translators and scientists from all over the world gathered together online in order to discuss and tackle various terminology issues and exchange comprehensive, state-of-the-art insight into translation-oriented terminology management.

Our representative, Nadezhda Krasteva-Schaefer, gave presentations about different topics – “Termbases in the European Parliament”, “TermCoord’s Project – Terminology Without Borders”, and a hands-on presentation “How to create a termbase with IATE for external users – downloading IATE collections and domains”, which were received with great interest and enthusiasm. We are already looking forward to the next Terminology Summer School next year.