EAFT Summit 2021


The European Association for Terminology (EAFT), in collaboration with TermCoord, has organised a European Terminology Summit on 25 November 2021.

During the Summit, TermCoord will have the opportunity to present Terminology without Borders: a new multilingual terminology project with a win-win academic collaboration based on volunteering.

Its objectives are:

a) to offer a terminology working tool to language departments

b) to network universities working in terminology in the same field

c) to establish better communication with the citizens.

Terminology without Borders currently covers ten subject areas and each university works according to its methodology and educational needs.

For the “Terminology Without Borders” project, TermCoord has created a new public website, https://yourterm.org/, containing three basic sections for all projects:

a) a selection of relevant material to be used by the project partners and made available for consultation by visitors to the site

b) a section presenting the collaboration with the participating universities

c) the terminology section, where projects are published as soon as they are submitted by the participants. 

After being reviewed by the experts, the terms are validated by the European Parliament terminologists and inserted into IATE as separate collections.

To give an example, the University of Padua is participating on Terminology without Borders and is working on MED area. The project is coordinated by Federica Vezzani, Elisa Callegari and Giorgio Maria di Nunzio.

You can find an explanation of how they are working here.

Terminology without Borders” projects can also make the object of Master’s or PhD theses, and TermCoord members can act as co-tutors at the request of the student and the participating university.