Video-Fix: IATE, the EU Terminology Database


If you visit our website frequently (and we certainly hope you do!), you probably follow the terminology-related articles, resources for language professionals, and educational materials that we create and share. All of these are important parts of the work of the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament. In this week’s video-fix, we want to bring to your attention the project that lies at the very heart of our unit’s mission: IATE, the EU Terminology Database.

The acronym “IATE” stands for Interactive Terminology for Europe. The online database has been used for the collection, management, and popularization of EU-specific terminology since 2004. Over the years, language professionals behind the project have gathered over 8 million terms from various subject areas in the 24 official EU languages. With 50 million queries per year, the EU Terminology Database proves indispensable for translators, other language professionals, and anyone looking for valuable linguistic knowledge. To learn more about IATE, watch this short informative animation prepared by the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EU. After that, you will be prepared to start searching for your own terms! Give it a try here. It’s simple!

Written by Magdalena Sikorska