Good times for translators ahead


CAREER_OPPORTUNITY.JPGSome days ago, the Daily Mail published what is intended to be a shocking survey about money spent on translators by the English government. The article, in the latest fashionable click-baiting style, is titled “Shock figures reveal huge sums spent on translators by police, councils and hospitals”. We won’t complain about the style of the article itself, nor about its purpose. Everyone has the right to express his or her own opinion, which is in this case highlighting what is believed to be the exaggerated expenses for translation services. Services that seem not to have equivalents in other countries.

We just notice that, being rather shocking to us, figures and statistics show what is obvious to someone not puzzled by the melting pot: globalization brings different cultures together, and translators, interpreters and cultural mediators are becoming key professions on the job market. Career opportunities ahead. We do hope that other countries, rather than being shocked or afraid (it would be a narrow-minded choice, wouldn’t it?), can follow the path of the English government. It would result in a great enhancement of social services and social integration. We constantly watch over the topic, and in this past article we suggested career opportunities for translators in the legal field. The reading of Daily Mail indeed is interesting and at the bottom of the article you will find the personal experience of a Polish freelance translator who describes the matter from a personal and professional point of view.

Read More on the Daily Mail

Matteo Poles

Social Media Specialist

Communication Trainee at TermCoord