TermCoord’s Cooperation with the Ionian University


TermCoord’s Team is very pleased to announce the creation of a new page dedicated to our work with the Ionian University in Corfu (Greece).

Working on various projects over the years, the Ionian University and TermCoord mainly collaborated on the Terminology Without Borders initiative. Students from the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting participated on the FEM project, on the JURI project and on the ENVI project. They also took part in the terminology research on current topics such as Brexit, Cyber Security, Inequality, Terrorism, Korea Crisis, Cyclic Economy, Waste Reduction, Disinformation, or even Youth Empowerment. They created bilingual glossaries from English to Greek and from German to Greek and the students completed missing entries in IATE, in order to enrich the terminology database.

The translation students from the Ionian University have contributed significantly to our different terminology projects!

Click here to read more about it and to have access to our common projects.

Written by Cécile Mayeres

She holds a Master’s degree in Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication with a specialization in European mobility. She now does a traineeship in Communication at the Terminology Coordination Unit