TermCoord presents Terminology without Borders at the Pan-European Terminology Summit


On Monday, 28 March 2022, TermCoord participated online in the Pan-European Terminology Summit in Iceland, organised by the FedTerm project consortium and TermNet, the International Network for Terminology.

FedTerm’s aim is to facilitate the share of terminological data by addressing the barrier generated by the different ways of creating and managing terminology. As TermNet explains: “Correct, consistent and current terminological data are crucial in a multi-lingual European Union with its digital economy and many new challenges to cope with”.

During the presentation, TermCoord’s head of unit and terminology trainees introduced the Terminology without Borders project through a video that is available on our YouTube channel via this link.

As Terminology without Borders keeps on expanding its networks through collaborations with universities, individual partners and fields’ experts, this was a great opportunity to share our work with terminology professionals from all around the world. 

With each participation in Terminology without Borders, we try to put together the efforts of our partners, in order to raise awareness on the importance of terminology resources and to offer a tool that can help the public to understand better the world they live in.

To participate in Terminology without Borders, you can fill this form or contact one of our coordinators on this page!

Written by Sofia Vigo
Sofia holds a Bachelor’s degree in Foreign languages and Literatures, and a Master’s degree in Language sciences, Terminology and Text types. Since October 2021, she is one of the trainees taking care of terminology projects in the Terminology Coordination Unit at the European Parliament.