Comunicare in Europa: TermCoord goes to Italy


comunicare europaTermCoord is very happy to announce its participation to “Comunicare in Europa: il linguaggio della crescita, dai documenti UE alle opportunità“. Friday, November the 7th (9.30 – 13.30) – Università degli studi di Salerno, Italy.The workshop is an activity of  the Communication Sciences Doctorate School, but anyone who’s interested should feel free to join and participate.

The initiative aims on starting a scientific debate on how to share the terminology from UE institutional documents in order to enhance the possibility to access the opportunities of growth created by the right use of European Funds 2014-2020.

It is the first event of a series of meetings called “Comunicare Europa” (Communicating Europe), in collaboration with Ass.I.Term (Italian Association of Terminology) and Realiter (the Panlatin network of terminology), all sponsored by Cittalia, Fondazione ANCI Ricerche e TermCoord (Terminology Coordination Unit for the European Parliament).

In the first session relators will discuss the provenance of terms and their management by institutions. The second session will then focus on the importance of terminological knowledge in public communication through a debate among operators from important sectors for communication of the opportunities of 2014-2020 funds. Our Head of Unit Rodolfo Maslias will be giving his speech on the first session, and he will be explaining how TermCoord works, its role in the European Instituitions and how communication plays such an important role within the European Parliament and in the cooperation with external interlocutors.

Please click here to access the official website of the event.